Smart Contract deployment via Rust
Let's deploy our smart contract(SC) on the blockchain. We will deploy the adder
contract from the previous section.
In the repo there is a folder named interact.
Let's take a look into the file:
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Subcommand)]
pub enum InteractCliCommand {
#[command(name = "add", about = "Add value")]
#[command(name = "deploy", about = "Deploy contract")]
#[command(name = "feed", about = "Feed contract EGLD")]
#[command(name = "multi-deploy", about = "Multiple deploy contracts")]
#[command(name = "sum", about = "Print sum")]
We have 5 arguments we can use to interact with this contract. We will deploy
for now.
Let's take a look into the file:
async fn main() {
let mut basic_interact = AdderInteract::init().await;
let cli = basic_interact_cli::InteractCli::parse();
match &cli.command {
Some(basic_interact_cli::InteractCliCommand::Add(args)) => {
Some(basic_interact_cli::InteractCliCommand::Deploy) => {
Some(basic_interact_cli::InteractCliCommand::Feed) => {
Some(basic_interact_cli::InteractCliCommand::MultiDeploy(args)) => {
Some(basic_interact_cli::InteractCliCommand::Sum) => {
None => {}
SC Deploy
The main function checks the arguments and calls the designated function.
We will be using deploy
async function to deploy our adder
smart contract:
async fn deploy(&mut self) {
// warning: multi deploy not yet fully supported
// only works with last deployed address
let new_address = self
println!("new address: {new_address}");
The interactor will make a call to the blockchain from a wallet address. This is a test address and it's referenced from the MultiversX Framework SDK.
Let's deploy a contract:
$ cargo run deploy
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.38s
Running `/Users/costincarabas/mvx/mx-contracts-rs/target/debug/basic-interact deploy`
wallet address: erd1uv40ahysflse896x4ktnh6ecx43u7cmy9wnxnvcyp7deg299a4sq6vaywa
sender's recalled nonce: 5498
-- tx nonce: 5498
sc deploy tx hash: 4133385c40fee378f5fc1b6318f53302750c2403a9d02e00ed727c35ba9b41ba
deploy address: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqef8xmsatt4tkf5ycv538a2kme3h7dy37a4sqygv9p5
Notice the:
- sender's nonce - how many transactions he initiated;
- sc deploy tx hash - the hash of the transaction where we deployed the code on a new SC;
- deploy address - the address where the new SC is located.
Question 1: Will this transaction show on the Explorer?
Question 2: Will all the validators execute this transaction?
SC Query
Let's read the storage from the SC:
async fn print_sum(&mut self) {
let sum = self
println!("sum: {sum}");
Notice that we will make a query
on the blockchain to retrieve information.
Question 1: Will this transaction show on the Explorer?
Question 2: Will all the validators execut this transaction?
Remember from the main
function and the
file that we need to call the sum
$ cargo run sum
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.36s
Running `/Users/costincarabas/mvx/mx-contracts-rs/target/debug/basic-interact sum`
sum: 0
The sum
storage is 0, because this was the value used by the interactor.
SC execute endpoint
Let's execute our first endpoint, the add
async fn add(&mut self, value: u64) {
println!("successfully performed add");
Notice that we use the tx
functionality of the interactor. We call the add
endpoint of the smart contract.
Please inspect file one more time:
pub struct AddArgs {
/// The value to add
#[arg(short = 'v', long = "value", verbatim_doc_comment)]
pub value: u64,
We must provide a parameter -v $value
or --value $value
. Let's try it both ways:
$ cargo run add --value 2
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.23s
Running `/Users/costincarabas/mvx/mx-contracts-rs/target/debug/basic-interact add --value 2`
sender's recalled nonce: 5499
-- tx nonce: 5499
sc call tx hash: 2b85ad0af8bed72f415abcf03ed1615ab2e72c33354400f66aafd22346d1871c
successfully performed add
- tx nonce - this is the sender's nonce;
- sc call tx hash - this is the hash of the transaction we generated;
We recommend checking every action you perform:
$ cargo run sum
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.27s
Running `/Users/costincarabas/mvx/mx-contracts-rs/target/debug/basic-interact sum`
sum: 2
Let's try the other way (-v $value
$ cargo run add -v 4
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.10s
Running `/Users/costincarabas/mvx/mx-contracts-rs/target/debug/basic-interact add -v 4`
sender's recalled nonce: 5500
-- tx nonce: 5500
sc call tx hash: a7f07975deb4ea01b19572146adb68b1b83abd1e7ed0396475cf389641ab03b5
successfully performed add
Let's check that the storage was incremented:
$ cargo run sum
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.27s
Running `/Users/costincarabas/mvx/mx-contracts-rs/target/debug/basic-interact sum`
sum: 6
Question 1: Will these transactions (endpoint calling) show on the Explorer?
Question 2: Will all the validators execute these transactions (endpoint calling)?