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Network Configurations Manager


We aim to implement an application to run on a home router (Wi-Fi router) to manage network configurations: routing, port forwarding, firewall, Wi-Fi security, etc. The router runs a modern operating system - rich OS, like Linux. Other applications, such as a web service providing a user web interface, will interact with the configuration application through IPC mechanisms to query the state of network configurations and/or modify them.

Answer the following questions with "True" or "False" and justify the answer. Justification should be simple, 2-3 sentences for each answer.


  1. The application must be written entirely in a compiled language like C/C++/Rust. Answer: False

  2. The application can be multi-threaded. Answer: True

  3. The application is portable to other operating systems. Answer: False

  4. The application must run in privileged mode. Answer: True

  5. For security reasons, the application cannot use demand paging. Answer: False

  6. The application does not have a file descriptor table. Answer: False

  7. Interaction between the application and other services (such as the web) can be achieved through anonymous pipes. Answer: False

  8. The application is CPU intensive. Answer: False

  9. Two instances of the application can be started on the system. Answer: True

  10. In the application's address space, there are memory areas without write permissions. Answer: True

  11. The application process will consistently have the highest priority. Answer: False