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Semester Project

The main assignment for this semester is a project on a blockchain. There are no restrictions regarding the blockchain. You can choose one of the idea below or you can create one of your own.

Phase 1

Submit a PDF file containing a description of your idea:

  • What is the purpose of the project?
  • What needs it tries to satisfy?
  • What are the components of your project?
  • Timeline for development and tasks assignation for each team member.

Each student should submit the PDF file (ex. for a team of 2 students, there will be 2 submissions).

Submission link Deadline: Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 11:59 PM

Phase 2

Submit a PDF file containing:

  • Description of your project;
  • Includes links to the github repo;
  • Documentation you used;
  • Documentation you wrote.

Each student should submit the PDF file (ex. for a team of 2 students, there will be 2 submissions).

Submission link Deadline: Wednesday, 17 January 2024, 11:59 PM

List of ideas

You can choose one of the idea below or you can create one of your own.

Infrastructure & Developers Tooling

Idea nameDescription
Cross chain Bridgebuild a cross-chain bridge that enables the secure and seamless transfer of assets between different blockchain networks, enhancing interoperability and expanding the utility of blockchain ecosystems.
Wallet as a servicecreate a solution so that companies can seamlessly integrate wallet functionalities directly into their applications, simplifying user onboarding to the ease of a username and password. Whether facilitating in-game asset trading for gamers or pioneering innovative token-based loyalty programs, WaaS represents a potent resource for enterprises seeking to unlock the full potential of the web3 ecosystem.
Data analyticscreate data analytics tools and platforms tailored for blockchain and DeFI data, offering insights, visualization, and predictive analytics to empower developers and users.
Decentralized storage solutiondesign a decentralized storage solution that leverages blockchain technology for secure and distributed data storage, catering to the needs of decentralized applications and services.
Gas profiling tooldeveloping a gas profiling tool that helps Multiversx developers optimize gas usage in their smart contracts, reducing transaction costs and enhancing overall efficiency.
Digital identity solutioncreate a decentralized digital identity solution that allows users to manage and control their identities securely, offering privacy and data ownership in the digital realm.
Smart contract simulatorbuild a smart contract simulator that enables developers to test and analyze the behavior of their smart contracts in various scenarios before deploying them on the blockchain, enhancing code reliability.
EVM compatible sharddevelop an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible shard
Blockchains for everybodyNot everybody owns a smart phone or a laptop. How can they interact with the blockchain?

Mobile Apps

Idea nameDescription
Multi-chain WalletDevelop a cross chain user-friendly mobile wallet app that allows users to store, manage, and transact with cryptocurrencies securely. The app should also support decentralized applications (DApps) and DeFi services.
Tokenized Digital Collectiblescreate a mobile app that specializes in collecting, trading, and showcasing blockchain-based digital collectibles and NFTs. Users would be able to explore, discover, and interact with a wide range of digital art, assets, and unique collectibles, all securely stored on the blockchain. The app would offer features such as buying, selling, and trading NFTs, creating an engaging platform for collectors and enthusiasts to connect and showcase their prized digital possessions.
Fitness companionutilizes blockchain for secure data storage, tokenized rewards, and decentralized fitness challenges, creating a motivating and privacy-focused ecosystem for users to achieve their fitness goals. Users can also make seamless cryptocurrency payments to fitness professionals and collect fitness-related NFTs to celebrate their accomplishments within the community.
NFT Ticket mastermobile app that disrupts traditional ticketing by using blockchain and NFTs. It empowers event organizers to issue verifiable and tradable NFT-based tickets, enhancing security and ownership, while attendees enjoy the convenience of secure mobile ticketing and a resale marketplace for tickets.
Quest Mastermobile app that lets groups of three or more users create and join challenges, with each participant contributing tokens to a prize pool. To claim the prize, all participants must reach a consensus that a task has been successfully completed, creating a fun and interactive way to collaborate and compete while using blockchain for transparency and rewards
Tokenized Real Estate Investment PlatformAn app that democratizes real estate investment by allowing users to invest in fractional ownership of properties using blockchain tokens. Users can buy, sell, and trade real estate tokens, making property investment more accessible.
Crypto Savings and Investment AppA user-friendly mobile app that simplifies cryptocurrency savings and investments. It could offer features like automated recurring investments, yield farming, and tracking portfolios, all while utilizing blockchain for transparency and security.
Blockchain-Backed Supply Chain TrackerAn app that allows consumers to trace the journey of products from the source to their hands. Users can scan QR codes to access information about the product's origin, quality, and authenticity, all recorded on the blockchain.
Blockchain-Powered Voting AppA mobile app for secure and transparent voting in elections, referendums, or decision-making processes. Blockchain technology ensures the integrity of votes and provides accessible and verifiable election results.
Blockchain-Powered Voting AppAn app that connects freelancers and clients on a blockchain platform. Smart contracts ensure secure and automatic payment upon project completion, and reputation systems build trust within the freelance community.

Artificial Intelligence

Idea nameDescription
Smart IDE'sIDE that incorporates advanced AI capabilities to enhance the coding experience. This intelligent IDE provides real-time code assistance, predictive suggestions, bug detection, code optimization, and even supports real-time collaboration, significantly improving developer productivity and code quality. It's a powerful tool that leverages AI to make coding more efficient, intuitive, and collaborative.
AI-Powered documentationThe IDE generates documentation and comments based on code, making it easier to maintain and understand codebases.
Security AnalysisAI algorithms continuously analyze code for potential vulnerabilities and provide security recommendations.
Code GenerationThe IDE can generate boilerplate code, common functions, and even entire code segments based on high-level descriptions or user requirements, speeding up the development process.
Generative AI in gamesintegrate advanced AI algorithms that dynamically generate game content, such as levels, characters, and narratives. This innovation creates ever-changing and immersive gaming experiences, providing players with endless challenges and adventures, all driven by the power of AI.
AI agents interactionsa product where AI-powered agents autonomously handle and optimize various types of blockchain transactions, including transfers of assets, smart contract executions, and consensus participation. These AI agents enhance the efficiency, security, and reliability of blockchain interactions, enabling a new and innovative way to study blockchains interactions and why not testing principles.
Chain behavior predictionsBuild an AI-driven platform that predicts the behavior of various blockchain networks based on historical data and current trends. Users can leverage these predictions to make informed decisions when participating in cross-chain transactions or asset swaps.
3D Generated worldsThe integration of blockchain technology ensures secure ownership of digital assets, including virtual land, creatures, and resources, empowering users to explore, interact, trade, and collaborate within this vibrant and blockchain-enhanced 3D universe.


Idea nameDescription
MicropaymentsExplore groundbreaking solutions that leverage blockchain technology to enable microtransactions. You will delve into the possibilities of frictionless, low-cost micropayments for various use cases, such as content monetization, pay-as-you-go services, and micro-donations
Scheduled paymentsDevelop blockchain-based solutions that enable automated and scheduled transactions. You will explore innovative ways to leverage blockchain technology for seamless and secure scheduled payments, benefiting a wide range of applications, from recurring bills and salary payments to subscription services.
Fund raising platformsDesign blockchain-powered fundraising platforms that redefine how funds are raised, tracked, and allocated for various causes. By leveraging blockchain's transparency and security, you can create efficient, decentralized solutions that enhance the fundraising process and foster trust among donors and fundraisers, ultimately driving social impact and positive change
Cross-Chain paymentsThis idea aims to bridge the gap between different blockchain networks, allowing users to seamlessly transfer and transact digital assets across multiple blockchains. This idea seeks to simplify the process of conducting cross-chain transactions, enhancing interoperability and accessibility in the blockchain ecosystem. It holds the potential to revolutionize the way we move and use cryptocurrencies and tokens across various blockchain platforms, ultimately making blockchain technology more versatile and user-friendly.
No-Code solution for grandmas and grandpasThis idea challenges you to create a no-code blockchain interaction solution that is so user-friendly it can be effortlessly used by individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The primary focus is to streamline the onboarding process for merchants, enabling them to accept MVX tokens with ease through features like simplified wallet setup, integrated point-of-sale systems, and user-friendly interfaces. By fostering inclusivity and accessibility, you can envision a future where blockchain technology is as accessible as everyday mobile devices, revolutionizing the way we engage with digital assets.
Fast pay solutionsThis idea challenges you to revolutionize digital payments by seamlessly integrating QR code scanning with blockchain technology, offering innovative solutions that prioritize user-friendliness and security. This track empowers you to shape the future of financial transactions, bridging the gap between traditional payment methods and the decentralized world of blockchain, ultimately enhancing accessibility and usability for users worldwide.
Payments for all tokensWhat if you have USDC and the merchants accepts only BUSD? Come up with a solution without the need to go through the additional step of converting their tokens on a swapping platform before finalizing their payment for the intended purchase.
NFT Payments solutionsExplore ways to integrate non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into payment systems. You should devise a payment solution that incorporates NFTs for unique, valuable, or collectible transactions.
Programmable money"Although money itself isn't inherently programmable, its full potential can be unlocked through automation and purpose-built tools. This presents an opportunity to create open-source, fee-free, and publicly accessible programs that can harness the power of money and on-chain tokens more effectively.

For example: Facilitating the seamless processing of invoices within a smart contract filled with funds. Person A submits an invoice, and person B can sign an approval transaction to release the funds to the appropriate recipient." | | Loyalty and Rewards Programs | Create a blockchain-based loyalty and rewards program that allows businesses to issue and manage loyalty points or tokens on a blockchain. You should focus on enhancing customer engagement and retention. |

Gaming and Metaverse

Idea nameDescription
Blockchain Gaming EconomyDescription: Develop a comprehensive blockchain-based gaming economy that integrates cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and decentralized exchanges. This challenge involves designing in-game assets, marketplaces, and economic systems that empower players to buy, sell, and trade virtual items and currency securely on the blockchain.
Decentralized Game DevelopmentDescription: Create a decentralized game development platform that allows game creators to collaborate transparently while utilizing blockchain technology for asset ownership and revenue sharing. This challenge encourages teams to design tools and frameworks that foster a community-driven approach to game creation.
Blockchain-Based Game VerificationDescription: Build a system or tool that verifies the authenticity of in-game assets by utilizing blockchain technology. This verification system should ensure that assets, such as characters, weapons, or collectibles, are legitimate and cannot be tampered with, enhancing player trust and security.
In-game advertising platformDescription: Construct an innovative in-game advertising platform that seamlessly integrates advertisements into gaming experiences. This platform should offer targeted and non-disruptive advertising solutions that benefit both advertisers and players while ensuring transparency and fair compensation for developers.
Generative AI in a gameDescription: Integrate generative artificial intelligence (AI) techniques into a game to dynamically generate content such as levels, quests, or narratives. You should leverage AI algorithms to create engaging and ever-evolving gaming experiences that adapt to player behavior.
Generative AI in trailers/videos/tutorialsDescription: Utilize generative AI to automate the creation of game trailers, promotional videos, or tutorial content. This challenge encourages You to develop AI systems that can efficiently generate high-quality multimedia content for games and user guidance purposes.
Game PluginsDescription: Design and develop a set of plugins or extensions for existing game engines or platforms. These plugins should enhance game development workflows, improve performance, or add new features, making it easier for developers to create games across various genres.
Sample gamesDescription: Create sample games that serve as templates or starting points for aspiring game developers. These games should cover different genres and showcase best practices in game design, coding, and user experience.
Game templatesDescription: Develop a library of game templates that provide pre-designed frameworks for specific game types or mechanics. These templates should include customizable assets, code templates, and documentation, enabling developers to kickstart their game projects more efficiently.