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Scientific Research Assignment

The goal of this assignment is to create a 2-3 page essay that does a critical analysis of a research topic. Your task is to highligh weak spots and strong spots for each paper.

Deadline: Wednesday, 10 January 2024, 11:59 PM

Submission link

You can start from one of the topics below, or propose a new one. We encourge you to find 2-3 similar papers on Google Scholar related to your chosen topic.

Paper NameLink
Proof of Space with VDF: An Alternative Permissionless BFT Consensus Protocol, by Yuxuan Luo.Link
An Initial Framework for NFT Auction Mechanism Design: Impossibility Results and Solutions, by Andy Arditi, Pranav Garimidi, Dean Hirsch, and Iason Milionis.Link
Alternative Sybil Resistance Methods, by Marcus Daly, Nathan Cuevas, Griffin Klett, and Lynn Zhu.Link
A Review of Zero Knowledge Proofs, by Thomas Chen, Abby Lu, Jern Kunpittaya, and Alan Luo.Link
A Survey of DeFi Lending, by Alex Brenebel, Lynsey Haynes, Vaibhav Kapur, and Jonathan Larkin.Link
DAOs, by Utkarsh Sinha, Sofia Bianchi, Ian Macleod, and Imanol Uribe.Link
Proof of Participation Voting for On-Chain Governance, by Terry Chung, Sandip Nair, Uttara Ravi, and Pranav Kajgaonkar.Link
A Technical Deep Dive Into and Implementation of Non-Fungible Tokens in a Practical Setting, by Julia Martin and Carrie Hay Kellar.Link
Privacy when Everyone is Watching: Anonymity on the Blockchain, by Nilaksh Agarwal and Roy Rinberg.Link
MEV on L2 by FlashBabies (Huy Ha, Vasiliki Vlachou, Quintus Kilbourn, and Cesare De Michellis).Link