📄️ Lab 1 - Number Representation
Task: Conversions
📄️ Lab 2 - Memory Operations. Introduction to GDB
Task: Iterating through an Integer Array
📄️ Lab 4 - Toolchain. GOTO
Task GOTOs
📄️ Lab 5 - Introduction to Assembly Language
Task: Conditional jumps
📄️ Lab 6 - Registers and Memory Addressing
Task: Division of Two Numbers
📄️ Lab 7 - Structures, Vectors and Strings
Task: Fibonacci
📄️ Lab 8 - The Stack
Task: Max
📄️ Lab 9 - Functions
Task: Displaying a String
📄️ Lab 10 - The C - Assembly Interaction
Task: Maximum Calculation in Assembly with Call from C
📄️ Lab 11 - Buffer Management. Buffer Overflow
Task: Buffer in the .data Section
📄️ Lab 12 - Linking
Task: Linking a Single File
📄️ Lab 13 - CTF
Task: Hidden in Plain Sight