Task: Fibonacci

You will solve this exercise starting from the fibonacci.asm file located in the tasks/fibonacci directory.

Calculate the Nth Fibonacci number, where N is given through the eax register.

NOTE: The Nth Fibonacci number is F[N] for our chosen N. By definition, F[0] = 0 and F[1] = F[2] = 1. Each following value is calculated with the formula F[i] = F[i - 1] + F[i - 2].

TIP: For example, if the value stored in ecx is equal to 5, a correct solution will display 5 and for 7, it will display 13.

To test the implementation, enter the tests/ directory and run:

make check

In case of a correct solution, you will get an output such as:


test_fibonacci                   ........................ passed ... 100


Total:                                                           100/100

NOTE : If you wish to test for various values of N, just change its value at line 6 in support/fibonacci.asm to whatever you desire (that whatever should fit in 4 bytes, of course :-) ).

If you’re having difficulties solving this exercise, go through this reading material.