Task: Modifying a Structure

Write code within the main function to modify the fields of the sample_student structure so that:

  • the birth year is 1993

  • the age is 22

  • the group is 323CA

WARNING: Do not modify what is displayed, modify the structure code. Do not touch the display code, that code must remain the same. You need to add at the beginning of the main function, in the place marked with TODO, the code to modify the structure. WARNING: You need to modify the content of the structure in the code, meaning you need to write to the memory area corresponding to the field in the structure. Do not modify the structure in the .data section, you need to use code to modify the structure. TIP: For modifying the group, you will need to change the third byte/character of the group field (i.e., the byte/character with index 2).

To test the implementation, enter the tests/ directory and run:

make check

In case of a correct solution, you will get an output such as:


test_print_structure             ........................ passed ... 100


Total:                                                           100/100

If you’re having difficulties solving this exercise, go through this reading material.