Guide: Stack Operations
The stack_operations.asm
file demonstrates various stack operations. The main focus is to show how to manipulate the stack by pushing and popping values, and how to “allocate” and “deallocate” memory on the stack.
Note: Notice how
are just syntactic sugar for the simplersub
, andmov
For convenience, here’s the contents of the file. To play around with it, download the lab locally.
%include "printf32.asm"
section .data
var: dd ?
section .text
; esp -> stack pointer
; ebp -> base pointer
extern printf
global main
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push dword 10 ; sub esp, 4; mov [esp], 10;
push dword 11 ; sub esp, 4; mov [esp], 11;
push dword 12 ; sub esp, 4; mov [esp], 12;
push dword 13 ; sub esp, 4; mov [esp], 13;
push dword 14 ; sub esp, 4; mov [esp], 13;
pusha ; push all registers on the stack
popa ; pop all registers from the stack
; Version 1
pop eax; ; mov eax, [esp]; add esp, 4
pop eax; ; mov eax, [esp]; add esp, 4
pop eax; ; mov eax, [esp]; add esp, 4
pop eax; ; mov eax, [esp]; add esp, 4
pop eax; ; mov eax, [esp]; add esp, 4
; Version 2
; add esp, 20 ; 4 * number_of_push
; Version 3
; mov esp, ebp
; sub esp <-> add esp -> use to allocate/deallocate memory
; Aloc 8 bytes <-> 2 int
; sub esp, 8
; mov [esp], 10
; mov [esp + 4], 12
; Push/Pop from global variable
mov dword [var], 1337
push dword [var]
pop dword [var]
mov eax, [var]
PRINTF32 `VAR: %d\n\x0`, eax