Task: Fibonacci Sum

You will solve the exercises starting from the fibo_sum.asm file located in the tasks/fibonacci directory. Starting from the fibo_sum.asm file, implement a program that calculates the sum of the first N numbers in the Fibonacci sequence using the loop instruction. The sum of the first 9 numbers is 54.

To test the implementation, enter the tests/ directory and run:

make check

In case of a correct solution, you will get an output such as:


Test name format is test_fibo_sum_<N>_<sum to N>

test_fibo_sum_9_54               ........................ passed ...  25
test_fibo_sum_12_232             ........................ passed ...  25
test_fibo_sum_1_0                ........................ passed ...  25
test_fibo_sum_40_165580140       ........................ passed ...  25


Total:                                                           100/100

If you’re having difficulties solving this exercise, go through this reading material.